RVCC Department of Campus Security
To contact Campus Security or to report an emergency on campus: 908-231-8800

The Confidential TIPS Hotline
The TIPS Hotline is available for members of the College community or other interested parties to share any knowledge about a crime, a planned crime, or suspicious activity on campus, as well as any information about a troubled individual or threatening situation that could develop into a violent act or assault. Knowledge of threats or potential acts of violence needs to be brought to the attention of College security personnel so they can immediately act to prevent anyone from being injured. All threats need to be taken seriously, and any information will be acted upon as quickly as possible. The TIPS Hotline can be accessed via phone at 908-231-8806.
The following are examples of information that should be reported:
- The identity of someone bringing a weapon on campus
- The identity of a student or employee threatening another
- The identity of someone who may be emotionally distressed or suicidal
- Violent writings, notes, voicemail, or email threatening to others
- Rumors of planned violence or an assault on someone
- Use of illegal drugs and/or alcohol
- Domestic violence occurring, or which may occur on campus or elsewhere
- Activity or conditions that may be illegal or dangerous
- The identity of a criminal suspect, or the location of a wanted person
Remember, the TIPS HOTLINE is confidential. You do not have to leave your name. Sometimes additional information would be helpful, and there may be a reason to contact you, so it may be useful for you to leave your number, if you are willing. But the most important thing is that the information is reported to someone who can do something about it.
RVCC Safety & Security
Raritan Valley Community College is concerned about the safety and welfare of its students, faculty and staff and is committed to providing a safe and secure environment. In accordance with Section 485(a) and (f) of the Higher Education Act, also known as the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, a summary of information concerning security procedures and crime statistics is listed below.
The Campus Security Department, with the support of local, county, and state law enforcement organizations, provides for public safety and facility security. U.S. Security Associates, Inc. provides to the College uniformed, unarmed and qualified security officers who are professionally trained in the College's accepted procedures and policies. The security force functions as an observer and reports individuals who violate campus regulations. The security guards are instructed never to engage in physical contact or force. Where there is criminal activity or endangerment to person or property, Security is instructed to contact Branchburg Police.
Daily reports are submitted to the College, recording all incidents that occur on every shift when building checks are performed, any outdoor lights that are not functioning, detailed accounting of all vehicles found to be in violation of College parking/safety regulations, and all vehicles that have been towed.
Campus Crime Statistics
Pursuant to the Crime Awareness and Security Act, the following statistics reflect the number of criminal offenses reported for the main campus in Branchburg, as well as off-site locations.
Click here to view the Annual Security Report to view statistics from the Branchburg campus and all off-site locations.
Registered Sex Offender
No registered sex offenders have been reported to Raritan Valley Community College Security, according to NJ Attorney General's guidelines. Information about registered sex offenders in New Jersey may be found by accessing the following website: http://www.njsp.org/info/reg_sexoffend.html.
Weapons & Explosive Policy
Weapons, ammunition, fireworks, and other explosives are prohibited on College property, or at any other location where the College offers courses or sponsors events. Off-duty law enforcement officers, who are required to carry their firearms while attending classes, must contact Campus Security for a determination as to how their firearms are to be secured.
This policy does not apply to active law enforcement personnel or to other individuals whose authority and/or requirement to carry firearms is regulated by a federal, state, or local law enforcement agency.