Honor Societies recognize academic excellence.
You work hard for top grades. You’re passionate about your particular field of study. And you want to share your enthusiasm for learning with like-minded individuals. RVCC has several chapters of national honor societies to foster your love of learning and encourage your desire to excel.

Alpha Beta Gamma
An International Business Honor Society that recognizes and encourages scholarship among business, computer science and communication majors at two-year colleges.
- Be enrolled in an eligible curriculum leading to a degree
- Have completed at least 15 credit hours
- Have a 3.0 grade point average (GPA)
- Have attained a minimum grade point average (GPA of 3.3) in the major course of study
What are our meetings like?
This chapter of Alpha Beta Gamma does not hold meetings, nor does it have any student officers.
What do we do?
Our chapter is strictly for recognition of students who have superior performance in an eligible degree program. The chapter does not conduct any activities other than initiation.
How can you reach us?
Advisor: Michael Fagan, Michael.Fagan@raritanval.edu
Affiliation: Alpha Beta Gamma International Business Honor Society
The National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS) is the largest leadership honor society in the nation. The mission of the society is “The NSLS is an organization that helps people discover and achieve their goals. The guiding question we established to shape all the important decisions the organization makes is: "Are we helping the greatest number of people in the greatest way?" When asked how he might sum up the key thing that the NSLS does, founder Gary Tuerack shared, "We are dream supporters – we build leaders, support people in achieving their dreams, and better the world in the process. We get people to ask the all-important question, 'What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?' and then help them to achieve those goals." all-important question, 'What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?' and then help them to achieve those goals."
Membership Criteria: Have completed 12 credit hours at Raritan Valley Community College and maintained a minimum 2.75 GPA.
What are our meetings like?
The core officers and members meet to plan upcoming events, promote available scholarships, and explore new leadership opportunities for members to get involved. Most of the “meetings” are planned leadership workshops and speaker broadcasts.
What do we do?
This organization is unique in that it focuses on your individual leadership skills, assisting you in finding your passion, developing the skills to set goals, and learning habits of success. The NSLS offers life-changing lectures from the nation's leading presenters and a community where like-minded, success- oriented individuals come together and help one another succeed. The NSLS also serves as a powerful force of good in the greater community by encouraging and organizing action to better the world.
NSLS differentiates itself from traditional honor societies in that students must complete a step-by-step leadership development program in order to become inducted. The curriculum offers students the opportunity to develop many in-demand skills such as leadership, communication and team building.
- Orientation: This is the first event on campus for new members to learn the steps of the program and the schedule of events for the semester.
- Leadership Training Day: Student members attend an interactive video training session where they identify goals and overcome obstacles.
- Three Speaker Broadcast Events: Live streamed events with leaders, celebrities and best-selling authors are scheduled six times per year.
- Three Success Networking Team Meetings: Students are assigned to small peer groups and meet bi-weekly to set goals and hold each other accountable.
- Induction: Members receive their Certificate of Leadership Training honoring their achievement and lifetime membership into NSLS.
How to become a member:
- Meet the membership criteria listed above.
- Receive notification from the NSLS of your eligibility. This will come as a letter and several emails
- Activate your nomination code
- Pay the lifetime membership fee of $85, limited financial assistance is available to reduce cost.
How can you reach us?
Advisor: Russell Barefoot, Russell.Barefoot@raritanval.edu
Affiliation: The National Society of Leadership and Success
Phi Theta Kappa
Phi Theta Kappa is a prestigious international honor society for community college students. Its membership is made up of RVCC students who have completed 12 credits with at least a 3.50 G.P.A., who are interested in community involvement, academic achievement and social activities. “The purpose of Phi Theta Kappa shall be to recognize and encourage scholarship among two-year college students. To achieve this purpose, Phi Theta Kappa shall provide opportunity for the development of leadership and service, for an intellectual climate for exchange of ideas and ideals, for lively fellowship for scholars, and for stimulation of interest in continuing academic excellence.”
Membership Criteria
- Have completed 12 credit hours contributing to a degree
- Adhere to the moral standards of the society
- Maintain a 3.5 GPA
- Receive an invitation to membership
- Pay a $65 lifetime fee
What are our meetings like?
During the meetings we discuss upcoming events, available scholarships, and ways that members can become involved.
What do we do?
Every year we complete a college project and an Honors in Action project related to the International Honor Society's study topic. We also co-sponsor a leadership seminar series with the college's Student Government Association.
How do I become a member?
- Early in the semester, the Student Life office generates a list of current RVCC students who meet the criteria for membership--a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher and have earned at least 12 credits on the community college level, excluding developmental courses.
- Email invitations are sent to each eligible student from Phi Theta Kappa International. The email includes an invitation code and URL allowing students to register online.
- An additional email is sent by a chapter advisor containing instructions related to attending an orientation session and the induction ceremony.
- Students attend a single orientation session where they learn about the benefits of becoming a member. Several sessions are scheduled over the course of a week. The sessions take place approximately two weeks before the induction ceremony.
- Interested individuals register online using the key code and URL provided in the email from the International Office and submit their $65 membership fee.
- Students who have joined online are invited to attend the induction ceremony which is typically held in November and April of each academic year.
NOTE: Our chapter does not induct new members once the induction ceremony has been held, nor does our chapter induct new members during the summer semester.
Leadership Series: Phi Theta Kappa and Student Government Association work together to provide a series of interactive Leadership Development workshops twice a month. These workshops are open to all students and occur on Wednesdays at noon. Watch the bulletin boards and website for details. Topics include: Effective Communication, Teambuilding, Ethical Decision Making, and more!
How can you reach us?
Advisors: Sara Banfield, Sara.Banfield@RaritanVal.edu
Janelle Bitter, Janelle.Bitter@raritanval.edu
Affiliation: Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society
Check out The Record's Spotlight on PTK
Psi Beta
A psychology honor society that encourages the professional development of psychology students through promotion and recognition of excellence in scholarship, leadership, research, and community service.
- Have taken a Psychology course and receive a "B+" or higher
- Have completed 12 credit hours
- Have a cumulative GPA of 3.25 when applying for membership or be within the top 35% of the College
- Have an interest in psychology
- Maintain good standing in the community
- Pay a $50 lifetime fee
- The College generates a list of students from the previous semester and session (Fall only) of individuals who meet the criteria for induction.
- Email invitations are sent to each individual regarding their eligibility with the invitation code to register with the National Office.
- Interested individuals register with the National Office and submit their $50 membership fee to the Advisor.
- Individuals who have registered with the National Office and submitted their fee receive a separate email to RSVP for the induction ceremony if they plan to attend.
- Members are inducted at a formal ceremony.
How can you reach us?
Advisor: Isabelle Gutierrez, Isabelle.Gutierrez@raritanval.edu
Affiliation: Psi Beta National Honor Society in Psychology
Sigma Kappa Delta
English Language honor society that confers distinction for high achievement in English language and literature in two-year institutions of higher education.
- Have taken 2 or more courses in English language or literature
- Maintain a 3.0 GPA
- Pay a $30 lifetime fee
How can you reach us?
Advisor: Michael Bondhus, Michael.Bondhus@raritanval.edu
Affiliation: Sigma Kappa Delta National English Honor Society