Get ahead of the curve
And earn college
credits now
RVCC's Jumpstart
Pre-College Program
Did you know that as a high school junior or senior, you can earn college credits through RVCC’s Jumpstart Pre-College Program?
Designed specifically with you in mind, this amazing program allows you to jumpstart your college education, smoothly transition from high school to college and earn credits along the way.

Take first year classes in high school
Transitioning from high school to college can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be if you’re prepared. Explore RVCC’s Jumpstart Pre-College Program.
High school students can take college level courses that transfer to four-year universities. Get ahead in your learning and have more time at college to explore new opportunities.

Stand out and really impress
Your Dream College
Do you want to catch the eye of the Admissions Director at your dream college?
Your chance is now through RVCC’s Jumpstart Pre-College Program – a great way to fulfill college requirements as a high schooler. The college credits that you earn can stay at RVCC or transfer to the college of your choice.
Take college courses
& make real steps
toward finding a major

College is right around the corner. Gain firsthand experience of college classes with RVCC’s Jumpstart Pre-College Program.
Through this fabulous opportunity, you can take a course in a college major you are considering.
You will not only get a taste of the major and complete courses that are required for your degree, but also earn college credit before leaving high school. You must have at least a 3.0 high school GPA to apply.
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