Honors FAQs

Honors FAQs

Is there a separate application for the Honors College or will the regular RVCC admissions application suffice?
No.  There is not a separate application for the Honors College.  Students seeking to apply to the Honors College should complete the regular RVCC Admissions application & then answer the Honors College specific questions, once prompted.

Will the Honors College accept my AP scores?
Yes, AP scores are accepted by the Honors College. Note: Not all schools accept AP credit in the same fashion. To gain a full understanding as to how AP credit is accepted at your preferred 4-year transfer institution(s), you may wish to begin researching those schools at this time.  Students earning a 5 on any degree-applicable AP exam can use that credit to exempt from one (1) of their required honors courses.

Is there a separate application fee?
No, there is not an additional application fee for the Honors College. Admission to the Honors College is Free.

Are there any additional fees for Honors classes?
Honors classes do not cost students more than non-honors classes. However, there is a $150 per semester Honors Activity Fee.

Can college credits taken while in high school be used for my degree?
College credits earned while in high school will be accepted. 

Can current RVCC students apply for admission to the Honors College?
Yes, current RVCC students can apply for admission into the Honors College if they meet the transfer-specific entrance requirements found here.

Do I need to be a full-time student in order to apply to the Honors College?
No.  Though most students seeking admission to the Honors College intend on being full-time (Fall/Spring), part-time students are certainly able to apply. The graduation requirements (i.e. eight required honors courses) are the same for both full-time & part-time students in the Honors College.

When are Honors College courses offered?
Honors College courses are offered primarily during the morning and afternoon. However, there are select honors math courses offered during evening hours.

How many honors courses must a student complete in order to graduate from the Honors College? 
Students in Associate of Arts (AA) & Associate of Science (AS) majors must complete a minimum of five (5) honors courses in order to graduate from the Honors College.  Students in Associate of Fine Arts (AFA) & Associate of Applied Science (AAS) majors must complete at a minimum of four (4) honors courses in order to graduate from the Honors College.

Is the Honors College curriculum compatible with all RVCC degree programs?
The Honors College curriculum is compatible with all RVCC Associate of Arts (AA) and Associate of Science (AS) degree programs. Students pursuing Associate of Fine Arts (AFA) degrees may have to take additional courses to satisfy graduation requirements within the Honors College. The Honors College curriculum is not compatible with most Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degrees or any Certificate program.

Are Honors College courses weighted differently in the Grade Point Average (GPA) calculation?
No. Honors College course grades are calculated in the same way as any other course grade towards GPA .  Honors College courses are designated with an “H” distinction on student transcripts.

Is there a deadline to apply to the Honors College?
There are two deadlines: The Early Admission the deadline is February 1st. The Regular Admission the deadline is July 1st. Transfer applicants must apply by July 1st.

Can I apply to the Honors College for either the Fall or Spring semesters?
Students may only apply to the Honors College for Fall acceptance.

Will I be expected to maintain a certain GPA while in the Honors College?
Yes, Honors College students will be expected to maintain a 3.3 GPA.

If I enroll in the Honors College, can I transfer at any point?
The Honors College program is intended for students who plan to earn a degree from RVCC.  However, we understand that circumstances may cause students to leave RVCC before their degree has been completed.

What levels of Mathematics and English are required for admission into the Honors College?
All applicants are required to show readiness at the English Composition I level. Applicants must also show the appropriate college-level Math readiness for admission into the Honors College. For example, applicants in majors that require Pre-calculus and/or Statistics must show readiness at that level in order to be given full consideration. Honors College applicants cannot be in need of developmental coursework.

What are the primary advantages of being a member of the Honors College?
As a member of the Honors College, possible advantages include being a part of a community of like-minded students, each seeking to maximize their potential in a supportive, positive way.  Additionally, students may enhance their chances of transferring to selective colleges and universities through experiential learning and independent research opportunities.  Students also benefit from having a designated advisor and select faculty who fully embrace & support the honors experience.  

What makes an Honors College course different from regular courses?
The difference between an honors course and a non-honors course stems not from the amount of work but rather from the content studied and the level of preparedness required from the students, including a deeper level of critical thinking (i.e. more depth with the same level of breadth).  Students in honors courses such as English, Speech, History, Psychology, might be required to research more sources in order to look at an issue critically and from multiple perspectives. For an honors course in Mathematics, students will be expected to understand the mathematics rather than memorizing a bunch of steps and just knowing how to ‘do it’ in order to get the right answer.  In an honors Science class, students are expected to explain the ‘why’ of the results of an experiment rather than just getting the expected results.

How large will my honors classes be in the Honors College?
Honors College classes will never exceed 25 students and in many cases may have significantly fewer students.

Does my admission in to the Honors College impact my ability to enroll at RVCC?
Your admission to the Honors College (Yes or No) has no impact on your ability to attend RVCC.

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