Degree and Certificate Programs
RVCC offers more than 90 degree and college certificate programs, from accounting to engineering to nursing and beyond. Most degree programs can be completed in two years. Certificate programs require fewer credits and can be completed in a year or less.

Browse our course catalog alphabetically or by area of interest. This all-in-one resource will help you identify required courses for each department, along with tuition, fees, financial aid options and so much more.

Explore all the courses being offered in a semester. You can search by subject area, instructor, time, day of week, location or online instruction.

Plan your semesters well in advance with our handy Academic Calendar. Find out the first day of classes, holiday closings, special events, final exam dates, session beginning and ending dates and so much more.

If you are looking for detailed information on a course, check out the course outline. The outlines include information on learning objectives and assessment and are used in the development of syllabus for a course.
If you are full-time student at another college and are planning to earn some extra credits at RVCC, your home college may require you to provide the course outline before accepting the credits.