Special Interest Clubs

Special Interest Clubs

Something for Everyone to Enjoy  
College is an ideal time to explore your passions—freely and deeply. At RVCC, we embrace this sentiment—both in and out of the classroom. With dozens of clubs of all interests, sizes, and objectives—from arts, to culture, to intellectual pursuits—we promote creativity and encourage expression in each and every one of our students. Take a quick peek through our clubs; we can almost guarantee something will catch your eye.

Anime Club

Anime Club 
Our goal is to provide a friendly environment where our members can just hang out, watch cool 
shows, play games and chat about all things Anime. We are a welcoming community and walk-ins 
are both welcome and encouraged.

What are our meetings like?
The club meetings are based on a viewing/discussion on different animated series from both the 
eastern and western parts of the world.

What do we do?
We watch different animated series and discuss them, play games, and attend special events 
related to Anime.  Most importantly the club is a fun place for people to hang out and meet new 
people interested in this topic. 

How can you reach us?
Advisor: Steve Caruso scaruso@raritanval.edu

Colleges Against Cancer

Colleges Against Cancer 
CAC is an organized, overnight community fundraising walk. Teams of people camp out around a track and members of each team take turns walking around the track. Food, games, and activities provide entertainment and build camaraderie.  CAC is a family-friendly environment for the entire community. We celebrate the survivors, remember those we lost, and fight back against cancer.  

What are our meetings like?
Our meetings are a way to communicate ideas and combine thoughts to give the CAC the best possible chance for success. We are a team! Every thought is recognized. Every person is given a voice. We work on promoting the CAC and planning events to fundraise and give back to the community.  

What do we do?
We plan Colleges Against Cancer at RVCC!

How can you reach us?
Advisors: Beryl Stetson, Beryl.Stetson@raritanval.edu
Elliot Stetson, Elliot.Stetson@raritanval.edu 
Susan Williams, Susan.Williams@raritanval.edu 
Affiliation: American Cancer Society 


A caring community of students passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ

What are our meetings like?
Our meetings include community building, sharing, Bible study, speakers, prayer and singing.

What do we do?
We participate in JCru (New Jersey Cru) and regional meetings, retreats and conferences. Our mission activities include helping other students on campus and participating in outreach such as Urban Impact, NYC Relief Bus, Operation Christmas Child, etc. We also participate in Student Life events on campus and Student Government Association.

How can you reach us?  
Advisor: Lawrence Kramer, Lawrence.Kramer@RaritanVal.edu

CRU Jersey Metro

Dreamers Club

Dreamers Club
The Dreamers Club is an accepting group of students and faculty members whose main goal is to create a safe space for undocumented students and their allies. 

What are our meetings like?
During our meetings, we discuss resources available to undocumented students at RVCC, we help support students through their personal endeavors, and we guide them towards furthering their education regardless of their citizenship status or nationality. You do not need to be undocumented to join; you just need to be open-minded and willing to help.  

What do we do?
The purpose of The Dreamers Club is to support and guide minorities, immigrants, and their peers to overcome personal and academic struggles. In doing this, we will create an inclusive community where students can voice their concerns without fear of judgement, thus establishing an alliance where students are supportive of their peers' personal or academic goals.  

How can you reach us?
Advisor: Andrea Vaccaro, Andrea.Vaccaro@raritanval.edu

Jewish Club

What are our meetings like? 
Typically, we study stories from Jewish traditional writings such as the Torah and Tanakh. We also talk about Jewish holidays at periodically held events when they occur; and we occasionally will study the more esoteric side of Judaism: fascinating things such as Kabbalah and angels.

What do we do? 
We spread awareness of Jewish culture and traditions to students who are curious about these things.

How can you reach us? 
Advisor, Barbara Seater at barbara.seater@raritanval.edu

Project Cat Watch

Project Cat Watch 
Project Cat Watch promotes and encourages to improve the quality of life of feral cats found at Raritan Valley Community College by monitoring and reducing the population in the most humane way possible.

What are our meetings like?
During our meetings, we educate members about the many aspects that go into caring for feral cats as well as your own pets such as vaccinations, diseases, and trapping. Our meetings are fun and open, usually with snacks, coloring, and games in order to make caring for our campus cats the most enjoyable process.

What do we do?
The purpose of Project Cat Watch is to reduce the population of feral cats found at RVCC as it poses a threat and health concern to both community members and the cats themselves. Our club works to do this through monitoring by daily feedings, cameras, and annual visits to the vet with the help of our members.

How can you reach us?
President: Hailey Kovacs, G00287114@stu.raritanval.edu
Co-Advisor: Jay Kelly, jay.kelly@raritanval.edu
Community Partner: St. Hubert's Animal Shelter

Feminist Coalition

Feminist Coalition
The Feminist Coalition was founded in order to address issues of gender equality and social justice across campus and throughout the community. We believe in Feminism that considers intersectionality: the idea that social categories like race, class, and gender overlap to create unique dynamics of discrimination and privilege in the lives of individuals. This is not a space for harsh, contradictory debate; it is a space for healing, a space for helping, and a space for progress.

What do we do?
The Feminist coalition is for everyone because feminism is for everyone and patriarchy affects us all. The Feminist Coalition is a group open to all members of the RVCC community interested in learning about, advocating for, and organizing around feminist issues. The group also serves as the student branch of the RVCC Women’s Center. In coordination with the Women’s Center, the Feminist Coalition helps to plan events, discussions, speakers, and consciousness raising activities around campus and in the wider community.

Check out The Record’s Spotlight on FEMCO

How can you reach us?   
Advisor: Keilani Abdullah Keilani.Abdullah@raritanval.edu

HOPE (Health Oriented Peer Educators)

Fresh Reality is our local chapter of HOPE (Health Oriented Peer Educators) . BACCHUS is a non-profit organization whose mission is to actively promote student and young adult-based campus and community-wide leadership on healthy and safe lifestyle decisions concerning alcohol abuse, tobacco use, illegal drug use, unhealthy sexual practices and other high-risk behaviors. 

What are our meetings like?
BACCHUS usually meets twice a week. During our meetings we plan upcoming events and brainstorm as a group on new, fun ideas to reach the students of RVCC and the local community. We hold very easy going meetings, and we are always excited to have new people join us!

What do we do?
We are known on campus for having Cupcakes and Condoms during College hour about once a month. We give out free cupcakes and condoms to the students. RVCC students and faculty get a kick out of our witty way of promoting safe and healthy behaviors. We also have two documentaries concerning high risk behaviors and personal stories of substance abuse that a few of our members are in; we usually show these films about once or twice a month and afterward we engage students in Alcohol Jeopardy where we give out free pizza and prizes. We also make it a point to do things for mental health and stress, so we do different stress relieving activities during the stressful exam times throughout the semester. BACCHUS also invites motivational speakers to the college to share their inspirational stories with the students and faculty. We enjoy working with other clubs here at RVCC and host fun, sober parties or events here on campus. Most of our members are Certified Peer Educators, meaning that students here at RVCC can come talk to us about questions or concerns they have about personal issues. It is a priority of ours to keep up-to-date on all the resources available for students as well as the main struggles/issues that are prevalent on campus and in the community that need to be addressed. Being that BACCHUS is a national college organization, we attend the BACCHUS National Assembly as well as our BACCHUS Area Conference every year to learn about what other campuses are doing to promote fun, healthy life choices.

How can you reach us? 
Advisor: Amee Smolinsky, Ann.Smolinsky@RaritanVal.edu

Social Media

No Limits

No Limits
What are our meetings like?
Our meetings begin with a 5 minute stretch so its important to wear comfortable clothing. After our stretch 
we then begin to talk briefly about events the Dance Club may be interested in performing at. Once that is 
taken care of we're ready to dance! This is our practice time so be prepared to break a sweat!

What do we do?
We create our own choreography, practice it, and then perform it at events around campus. Whether its at 
the RVCC Dance Works Formal Show or the annual back to school picnic, the Dance Club is always spreading
 the love for dance to others.

How can you reach us?
Advisor: TBD

Rotaract Club

Rotaract Club
Rotaract Club brings together adults ages 18-30 to take action in their communities, develop their leadership and professional skills, and have fun. Rotary clubs sponsor Rotaract, but our members manage and fund their club independently.

What are our meetings like?
Rotaract meets every Thursday in S122 during College Hour to exchange ideas, plan activities and projects, and socialize.

What do we do?
We tackle hands-on service projects to create positive change in the community. In addition, we host fun social activities in an effort to fundraise money for notable humanitarian causes such as worldwide polio eradication, Operation Smile, and Stop Hunger Now.

Check out The Record's Spotlight on Rotaract

How can you reach us?
Advisor: Nemanja Nikitovic, Nemanja.Nikitovic@raritanval.edu
Affiliation: Rotary International

Social Media

Society of Women Engineers Club

Society of Women Engineers Club 
We are the Society of Women Engineers at RVCC and we are here to bring equality in engineering. Our focus is working with local youth girl groups to get females involved with engineering at a young age.

What are our meetings like? 
We meet every other Thursday in SC101 where we plan out our projects with our Girl Scout troop partners.

What do we do?
We are always open to new ideas and projects to get involved in.

How can you reach us?
Advisor: Antonella Pompo, antonella.pompo@raritanval.edu
Community Partner: Girl Scouts of NJ and SWE of NJ

To Write Love on Her Arms

To Write Love on Her Arms
To Write Love on Her Arms is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury, and suicide. TWLOHA exists to encourage, inform, inspire, and also to invest directly into treatment and recovery. College campuses are places of transition, and the difficult realities of transition are not often talked about openly, especially when they are associated with mental health. We believe that by giving these conversation a home on campuses across the county, we will see students choosing to continue living their story and helping those around them do the same.

What are our meetings like?
We plan events to spread awareness and hope for suicide prevention, mental health, and addiction. We talk about issues such as self-harm, addiction, depression, anxiety, and suicide, and what we can do to overcome these issues. We also discuss the meaning of words like love, joy, happiness, and what we can do to become aware of these positive attributes that exist inside of us. With each conversation comes an activity, game, snack, or some other form of expression.

What do we do?
We provide resources for people who need them, from peers in crisis to members with questions. We spread awareness and work to overcome the existing prejudices against people with similar issues. We also host events for people to come together in conversation about mental illness; UChapters is a movement of students committed to changing the statistics and building a community of honesty and hope.

Check out The Record's Spotlight on TWLOHA

How can you reach us?   
Advisors: Gina Kuijlaars, Gina.Kuijlaars@raritanval.edu
Email: twloharvcc@gmail.com
Affiliation: To Write Love on Her Arms Inc.

Social Media

Ultimate Frisbee Club

Ultimate Frisbee Club
RVCC Ultimate Frisbee exists to share our love for the sport of Ultimate Frisbee, build the Frisbee Community, build competitive spirit, and just have fun. 

What are our meetings like?
Our “meetings” are hard, fast, fun, sweaty practices on the field or in the gym. Join us anytime, just be ready to run!

What do we do?
We play Frisbee. Duh.

How can you reach us?
Advisor: Russell Barefoot Russell.Barefoot@raritanval.edu
Affiliation: USA Ultimate

Veterans Alliance

Veterans Alliance
The goal of the Raritan Valley Veterans Alliance (RVVA) is to provide veteran, and current service member students with the right tools and resources to be successful here at Raritan Valley Community College (RVCC), and in society as a whole. Our backgrounds and life experiences are shared amongst this small community, and can often times be challenging. The RVVA will be, amongst other things, a support network to our brothers and sisters here at RVCC. We hope to continue to serve our community with the utmost dedication and professionalism we were all trained for in service to our country.

What are our meetings like?
Our meetings are open to all to sit in on and give feedback and suggestions as we develop plans and strategies to formulate solutions to the problems our veterans face.

What do we do?
As the RVVA evolves, we will help provide more and more resources to our members, and the veteran population. By educating our members and veteran population about benefits, and organizations designed to help our veterans, we hope to make things a little easier by bringing those resources closer to home. These organizations range from local to national, non-profit to government funded. By providing resource here at RVCC, we hope to take a little bit of that weight off of the shoulders of the men and woman who have already carried some of the heaviest of burdens.

How can you reach us?
Advisor: Elizabeth Sullivan  Elizabeth.Sullivan@raritanval.edu
Raritan Valley Veterans Alliance: Veterans@raritanval.edu
National Affiliation: Student Veterans of America  https://studentveterans.org/
Community Partner: Manville/Hillsborough Elks

Young Democratic Socialists of America

Young Democratic Socialists of America
“We are students organizing in our universities, colleges, and high schools, to fight for the immediate needs of students and workers, while establishing action for radical and structural change”

What are our meetings like?
Meetings will consist of open discussion regarding the current sociopolitical climate and its relating anthropology. As well as a continuation of open discussion regarding the books/topics read at the DSA chapter book club. Meetings will also be comprised of planning and organizing student participation in events curated by both DSA and local YDSA organizations. Thus, helping students develop skills that center around political involvement I.e. communicating with state representatives via letters or phone calls, organizing protests, rallies, and fundraisers with respect to international /national conflict.

What do we do?
We are here to help students come together in unity with an intersectional feminist, anti-racist, all-inclusive vision of how to make our local communities thrive. While also informing others of the common struggles all marginalized groups face and creating a safe space in doing so. Young Democratic Socialist are here to serve the community through outreach and offer advocacy to those that need support.

How can you reach us?
Advisor: Brandyn Heppard, Brandyn.Heppard@raritanval.edu

Affiliation: Young Democratic Socialists of America
Community Partner: Central New Jersey’s Democratic Socialists of America

Young Republicans

Young Republicans
"The mission of the Raritan Valley Young Republicans Club is to reach out to young conservatives by expanding membership and volunteer opportunities while upholding the Republican core values."

What are our meetings like?
Each meeting starts off with a general report by the President about the clubs status, followed by reports from any officer who has something to present to the club. After that any planning for future events or projects is done. Students can join committees who will run their projects away from the general club meeting. In the time remaining, We have a topic picked by the club for each meeting where there is casual conversation and discussion between members. No opinion is ever discarded or dismissed, everyone has the right to say what they want.

What do we do?
When we say we want to "reach out to young conservatives" we have a lot of things planned. We discuss certain  topics and issues, centralize conservative students in an organization that gives them a voice, create projects to improve the student experience, find opportunities for community service, and help republicans (at every level) get into office.

How can you reach us?
Advisor: Glenn Ricketts, glenn.ricketts@raritanval.edu

The Alliance

The Alliance
Providing all RVCC students with an inclusive, safe and supportive space for social activities, networking, and event planning. The Alliance is committed to encouraging diversity and awareness of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning/queer, intersex, and asexual (LGBTQIA) issues on campus.

What are our meetings like?
Our meetings are highly social, and we strive to create a safe space where everyone feels comfortable. You can expect discussion and planning of future events, but also informal socialization and activities.

What do we do?
Our mission is to foster an aware and diverse community at RVCC, and our activities on campus are first and foremost geared toward advancing this mission. We hope that by having a visible and active presence on campus, we can encourage others to live openly and confidently, no matter who they are.

How can you reach us? 
Advisor: Rebecca Case, Rebecca.Case@raritanval.edu

Social Media

Black Students Alliance (BSA)

Black Students Alliance (BSA)
An inclusive group for the advancement and empowerment of black students. Our goal is to enhance the black student community at RVCC through education (enrichment), community outreach, and social activities.  

What are our meetings like?
Our meetings begin with an aspect of black culture, such as a quote, video clip or current issue that addresses the Black experience, thereby prompting conversations that can offer a sounding board for students. Our meeting then focuses on planning an event that encompasses one of our three core objectives: education, community outreach, or social activities.  

How can you reach us?
Advisor: Rhonda Stewart, rhonda.stewart@raritanval.edu

Brothers Helping Brothers

Brothers Helping Brothers
We work to develop success strategies that support African American and Hispanic males attending RVCC. The goals are to increase minority retention and the number of students graduation from RVCC. 

How can you reach us?
Advisor: Jeff Warren, Jeff.Warren@raritanval.edu

Filipino Pride Engagement Awareness & Cultural Empowerment

Filipino Pride Engagement Awareness & Cultural Empowerment (P.E.A.C.E.) Club
To promote awareness of the Filipino heritage through educational and cultural resources.

How can you reach us?
Advisor: Jess Valdenarro, Jess.Valdenarro@raritanval.edu

Social Media

International Cultural Association

International Cultural Association
Our mission is to introduce rich and unique cultures to the community and to encourage the students to learn and appreciate these cultures.

What do we do?
Our main purpose is to introduce the unique cultures of the community. We want to encourage everyone, including the students, faculty and staff of Raritan Valley Community College, to learn and appreciate a variety of cultures. Apart from the academic opportunities that are already provided to the students, we want to provide them with more social opportunities to expand their knowledge and to make a difference in the community and around the world through social and cultural activities.

How can you reach us?
Advisor: Aditi Patel, Aditi.Patel@RaritanVal.edu

Muslim Students Association

Muslim Students Association
The Muslim Students Association is a student organization at RVCC.  MSA is a social group for the Muslim and non-Muslim students on campus consisting of students of all origins, nationalities, and cultures, serving the virtue of brotherhood and sisterhood.

What are our meetings like?
We create an environment such that students can openly discuss their backgrounds and religions while learning about the other people's cultures as well.

What do we do?
We educate others about the true meaning of Islam and its teachings and deter people from associating the word "terrorist" with Muslims.

How can you reach us?
Advisor: Kiswah Khan, Kiswah.Khan@raritanval.edu

Orgullo Latino/Latin Pride Club

Orgullo Latino/Latin Pride Club
Encourages campus-wide appreciation of Hispanic Americans and their contributions and history. Provides outreach programs to local high school students to seek out post-secondary education.

How can you reach us?
Advisor: Windy Paz-Amor, windy.paz-amor@raritanval.edu

Social Media

United Caribbean Students Club

United Caribbean Students Club
The mission of the United Caribbean Students Club is to proactively enhance and enrich the lives of RVCC students of Caribbean and West Indian descent.

What are our meetings like?
The club meets on Thursdays during college hour (1– 2:20pm) in room H229. Our meetings are fun and energetic. We usually have a prepared agenda and we plan and discuss upcoming events, ideas for new events and club activities. Sometimes we have a guest speaker or presenter. We also discuss tips for academic success and the students share on-campus resources with each other.

What do we do?
The United Caribbean Students Club at RVCC is a vibrant cultural student organization whose goals are to meet the social and academic needs of RVCC students of Caribbean descent. Additionally, the club serves as a mechanism to educate and expose the larger campus community and local community to our rich Caribbean culture and heritage through music, culture, history, dance and food. The club also welcomes students of all nationalities. 

How can you reach us?
Advisors: Evelyn Carty, Evelyn.Carty@raritanval.edu

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