Humanities, Social Science, Social Work & Education

Humanities, Social Science, Social Work & Education

Department Overview
The Department offers 11 different disciplines that engage you in a rigorous examination of the human experience. You’ll develop critical thinking and writing skills that are essential foundations for success in college and in life. Our course offerings, both online and face-to-face, provide opportunities for you to learn more about the complexity of the world and how meaning is constructed through rigorous inquiry. Our faculty are actively engaged in their disciplines and offer opportunities for you to learn in the classroom and beyond. You’ll be able to take advantage of practical fieldwork experiences, campus lecture series, professional conferences and service to the community.

The central teaching and learning philosophy of our Department is to offer programs of study that are intellectually challenging and diverse. The diversity of disciplines in our Department promotes an understanding of the interconnectedness of academic fields of study.

Our graduates have continued their education at such prestigious colleges and universities as the University of Pennsylvania, Drew University, Vassar College, University of California and Rutgers University.

Exploring the Human Experience

Are you fascinated by the human experience? Do you want to learn more about the people around you and help shape their futures? Explore the range of programs offered by the Department of Humanities, Social Science and Education. The breadth of courses offered, combined with an engaged and dedicated faculty, will create challenging opportunities for you to meet your intellectual, educational and career goals.

Degree Programs

Degrees Designed for Transfer to Four-Year Colleges (A.A.)
Education: P-12, Associate of Arts - Explore Careers P-12
Human Services/Pre-Social Work, Associate of Science - Explore Careers
Liberal Arts, Associate of Arts - Explore Careers
Social Sciences, Associate of Arts - Explore Careers

Degrees Designed to Lead to Direct Employments
Early Childhood Education, Associate of Applied Science - Explore Careers

Certificate Designed to Provide Specialized Expertise
Chemical Dependency, Certificate - Explore Careers
     Career Path for CADC, Substance Abuse Counselor, Chemical Dependency Counselor
Early Childhood Education, Certificate - Explore Careers
Early Childhood STEM, Certificate of Completion - Explore Careers
Human Services, Certificate - Explore Careers
Human Services, Certificate of Completion - Explore Careers

Online classes are an option for many Humanities, Social Science, Social Work & Education degree requirements.  Click here to register for online summer and fall college courses today!

Full Time Faculty


Instructor of Philosophy

Academic degrees achieved: B.A., Philosophy, Montclair State University; M.A., Philosophy, Duquesne University

•    New Jersey Council for the Humanities.  Sponsorship for "Walk and Talk: On Nature" Philosophical Hike Series.  $3000.  Apr.-Sep. 2023.

Research Interests:
•    My research currently focuses on intersections between aesthetic experience, nostalgia, and the perception of significance from a (mostly) phenomenological perspective.  I am also interested in philosophy of mind more broadly.   


Instructor (Tenure-Track) - History

Academic Degrees Achieved:
Ph.D., History, The Catholic University of America
M.A., History, The Catholic University of America 
B.S., History, Corban University 

Awards & grants:
Excellence in Teaching Award, The Catholic University of America, History Department, 2017—2018
Research: I study the history of the family, gender, women, children, and sanctity in the late medieval west. My current research evaluates "parent-saints” who lived within Latin Christendom between 1150-1500. These “Parent-saints” achieved a reputation for extreme holiness in addition to (or perhaps despite) being biological parents. In my research, I engage in a close reading of the vitae (hagiography) of these saints, noting whether their duties as parents were seen as compatible with or hindering their claims to Christianity sanctity. In addition, I evaluate how gender shaped the expectations and practice of parenting in the medieval west. In addition to my current research, I also have extensive training and teaching experience in the history of the global, pre-modern world. I am particularly interested in inter-religious contact, borrowing, and conflict which occurred in the Mediterranean world in the late medieval period.  

Area of Expertise
History of the Late Antique, Medieval, and Early Modern Mediterranean, with a focus on women, gender, the family, religion, and society

Associate Professor of Psychology

Academic Degrees Achieved: Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Northwestern University; Ph.D., University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; B.A., University of Michigan

Awards  -  Diversifying Faculty in Illinois (DFI) Fellowship, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2006-2009 -  Evelyn Hobson Fellowship, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Fall 2008 -  Graduate College Fellowship, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2002-2005  

Research Interests -  My main research seeks to explore children’s representations, how children understand or conceptualize some of the biological phenomena surrounding them.  Most of my work has focused on exploring the input of different contexts (e.g., family, media, school, culture, religion) on children’s conceptualizations of life and death, including how cultural and/or religious beliefs play a significant role in the way they understand and cope with death situations.  I have also looked at how children’s representations guide their actions and thoughts.  More specifically, why young children commit scale errors, behaviors where young children attempt to perform actions on objects that are too small to accommodate the behavior at hand.

Relevant Publications -  Rosengren, K. S., Gutiérrez, I. T., & Jiang, M. J. (under review). Using mixed methods in developmental psychology: From scale errors to death.    Gutiérrez, I. T., Rosengren, K. S., & Miller, P. J. (in press).  In B. Rogoff, R. Mejía-Arauz, & M. Correa-Chávez (Eds.), Children learn by observing and contributing to family and community endeavors: A cultural paradigm.   Advances in Child Development and Behavior, 49.  Gutiérrez, I. T., Miller, P. J., Rosengren, K. S., & Schein, S. S. (2014).  Affective dimensions of death:  Children’s books, questions, and understandings.  In K. S. Rosengren, P. J. Miller, I. T. Gutiérrez, P. I. Chow, S. S. Schein, & K. N. Anderson, Children’s understanding of death: Toward a contextualized and integrated account. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 79(1, Serial no. 312), 43-61.  Gutiérrez, I. T., Rosengren, K. S., & Miller, P. J. (2014).  Mexican American immigrants in the Centerville region:  Teachers, children and parents.  In K. S. Rosengren, P. J. Miller, I. T. Gutiérrez, P. I. Chow, S. S. Schein, & K. N. Anderson, Children’s understanding of death: Toward a contextualized and integrated account. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 79(1, Serial no. 312), 97-112.  Rosengren, K. S., Gutiérrez, I. T., & Schein, S. S. (2014).  Cognitive dimensions of death in context.  In K. S. Rosengren, P. J. Miller, I. T. Gutiérrez, P. I. Chow, S. S. Schein, & K. N. Anderson, Children’s understanding of death: Toward a contextualized and integrated account. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 79(1, Serial no. 312), 62-82.  Rosengren, K. S., & Gutiérrez, I. T. (2011).  Searching for coherence in a complex world:  Introduction to the special issue on explanatory coexistence.  Human Development, 54(3), 123-125.  doi:10.1159/000329126   Rosengren, K. S., Schein, S. S., & Gutiérrez, I. T. (2010).  Individual differences in children’s production of scale errors.  Infant Behavior and Development, 33, 309-313.  doi:10.1016/j.infbeh.2010.03.011 Gutiérrez, I. T. (2009).  Understanding death in cultural context:  A study of Mexican children and their families (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Illinois, Champaign.  Rosengren, K. S., Carmichael, C., Schein, S. S., Anderson, K. N., & Gutiérrez, I. T. (2009).  A method for eliciting scale errors in preschool classrooms.  Infant Behavior and Development, 32, 286-290.  doi:10.1016/j.infbeh.2009.03.001 Rosengren, K. S., Gutiérrez, I. T., Anderson, K. N. & Schein, S. S. (2009). Parental reports of children’s scale errors in everyday life.  Child Development, 80, 1586-1591.  doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8624.2009.01355.x  Gutiérrez, I. T. (2005).  Young children’s storybooks as a source of information about death.  Unpublished master’s thesis, University of Illinois, Champaign.  

Grants -  NSF Funds for Young Scholars’ participation in ISSBD 2010 (Award No. BCS-1026915), July 2010, $2,500. -  Life beyond death:  Young Mexican children’s conceptions of the afterlife, University of Oxford/John Templeton Foundation Small Grant, Northwestern University, 2010, $25,985. -  NSF - Psychology Research Grant Fund, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Spring 2008, $2,000.         -  NSF - SBE Travel Grant, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, April - July 2007, $2,063.  

Editorial Experience -  Guest Editor, Human Development (2010-2011). Special issue on explanatory co-existence. -  Consulting Reviewer, Developmental Science, Infant and Child Development.

Area of Expertise
Developmental Psychology - Social Cognition, Developmental Cultural Psychology

Program Coordinator
Professor - Human Services/Pre-Social Work

Academic Degrees Achieved: Ph.D., M.S.W., Rutgers University; B.A.S.W., Elizabethtown College

Measuring Quality of Life among Adults with Mental Retardation & other Developmental Disabilities (2005)  New Jersey's Self-determination Initiative: An exploratory evaluation   Voices of poverty: A content analysis 2011-2012 (2013)  "Preparing paraprofessionals empowering youth," a 3 year grant funded by the US Department of Health and Human Services. (2014-present)   

Area of Expertise
Social Work; Disability Services

Assistant Professor - Philosophy

Academic Degrees Achieved: Ph.D. Columbia University; M.Phil. Columbia University

Timothy has taught in the Department of Philosophy at John Jay College and Baruch Colleges of CUNY. Timothy’s interests include Ethics, Technology, Philosophy of Education and Philosophy of Comedy. Timothy lives with his wife and son and an orange Tabby named Applejack.


Associate Professor of History

Academic Degrees Achieved: Ph.D., M.Phil., City University of New York; M.A., Northern Illinois University; B.A., University of Iowa

I teach courses in U.S., African American, and Modern Latin American history and am completing a book entitled “Haitian Refugees and the Rebirth of Immigrant Detention in the United States, 1973 to 2000.”

Area of Expertise
Twentieth Century U.S. and Latin America, Immigration, Race and Ethnicity

Associate Professor of Education

Academic Degrees Achieved: M.Ed., Gratz College; B.S., University of Maryland, College Park; A.A., Centenary College

Doctorate of Educational Leadership, ABD, Fischler School of Education, Nova Southeastern University; Qualitative research study examining early readers and the implementation of intervention programs; Qualitative research study measuring student's perceptions of themselves as readers in the beginning and mid-year of first grade with regard to the early intervention program delivered; TEAGLE Grant; 3M Grant

Area of Expertise
Early Childhood Education, Birth-Age 10

Instructor - World History

Academic Degrees Achieved: B.A., History, Madras University, Tamilnadu, India; M.A., History, Delhi University, Delhi; M. Phil awarded in International Relations by Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi; Ph. D. awarded  by Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India

Awards, Research & Grants:

I was chosen to be part of “Hot Topics in History”, a workshop hosted by the World History Center at the University of Pittsburgh, 2019.

Two assignments that I created are part of the Humanities in Class Digital Library hosted by  National Humanities Center which is an open education resource platform open to educators at all levels.

Chosen to attend “ Energies in World History” workshop hosted by the World History Center at University of Pittsburgh, 2023. Complementary opportunity to attend the World History Conference in June 2023.

Area of Expertise
Instructor (World History), Dept of HSSE

Associate Professor

Academic Degrees Achieved: Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University

Area of Expertise

Temporary Full Time Instructor

Academic degrees achieved: M.S., Cognitive Psychology - Florida State University, 2010; M.A., Public Policy, Monmouth University, 2018

Awards, research & grants:
Seton Hall University College of Arts and Sciences Adjunct Professor of the Year, 2015

Area of Expertise


Academic Degrees Achieved: B.A., M.A., Temple University; Ph.D., University of Chicago

Area of Expertise
International Relations, American Government, Political Theory, US History

Associate Professor

Academic Degrees Achieved: Ph.D., Southern California University; A.B.D., Graduate Center of the City of New York; M.A., B.A., University of Wisconsin; Other Education:  Regents College (Nursing)  and University of Southern California (Gerontology)               

Selected Participant, Workshop in Nagasaki and Hiroshima on Atomic Bombings in 1945; Mid-Career Fellowship, Princeton University (twice);  Participant, NEH Landmarks Program, “History and Commemoration:  Legacies of the Pacific War;”  Recipient, Freeman Foundation Fellowship, “Teaching About Japan,” Tokai University; NISOD Excellence Award recipient; Participant, Summer Institute, "Infusing Southeast Asian Studies into the Undergraduate Curriculum" at East-West Center; Selected Participant for NEH-sponsored program "Cultures of Authority in Asian Practice;" Selected Participant, "Infusing Asian Studies into the Undergraduate Curriculum," East-West Center; Fellowship, Internationalizing the Curriculum Project, New Jersey Department of Higher Education; Fellow, National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute, "Columbus and the Age of Discovery;" Selected Participant, New Jersey Department of Higher Education Summer Institute on Multicultural Education; Invited Participant, New Jersey Department of Higher Education and Rutgers University, "Summer Institute on the Middle East;" Fellow, National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar for College Teachers, "American Journalism in a Historical Perspective;" Summer Fellowship, U. S. Department of Education Group Projects Abroad, "Jamaica:  Education, Culture and Economic Development Project"        

Area of Expertise
Sociology, Race and Ethnicity, Global Studies with emphasis on Asia and Middle East

Assistant Professor of Anthropology

Academic degrees achieved:
Ph.D.,  Anthropology, Columbia University
M.A., Anthropology, Columbia University
M.A.A., Anthropology, University of Maryland
B.A., Anthropology and Geography, Indiana University

Area of Expertise
Human Origins, Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, Introduction to Archaeology, and Native North Americans.


Academic Degrees Achieved: B.A., Fairleigh Dickinson University; M.S., Ph.D., Ohio University.

Awards, Research & Grants:
Certificate for Online Teaching, Ohio University 2017
Scholarly Tool for Qnaititative Reasoning, Ohio University 2017

Research interests:
My research program focuses on Intergroup Threat Theory (ITT). According to ITT, prejudice is a function of two types of threat: realistic and symbolic threat. Realistic threat refers to concerns about the in-group’s power, resources, and well-being, whereas symbolic threat refers concerns about the in-group’s values, identity, and way of life. Broadly, my research suggests that majority group members (i.e., White Americans) respond to reminders of increasing diversity with higher perceived threat - symbolic and realistic. Although these two types of threat both predict increases in prejudice, research also finds threat-specific effects. For example, reminders of immigrants entering the U.S. workforce increases realistic threat for majority group members. In contrast, majority group members feel greater symbolic threat from Muslim Americans because of stereotypes about this group as not “assimilating” to mainstream culture (e.g., threats to American values). Students involved in my program of research have had opportunities to learn and participate in very important and timely research with respect to stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination.

Relevant Publications:
Howell, J. L., Sosa, N., & Osborn, H. (2019). The Need-Satisfaction Framework of Self Esteem: Self-esteem as a Monitor of Fundamental Need Satisfaction. Social and Personality Compass, 2019;e12492
Sosa, N. & Rios, K. (2019). The Utilitarian Scientist: The Humanization of Scientists in Moral Dilemmas. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 84, 103818
Rios, K., Sosa, N., & Osborn, J. (2018). An experimental approach to Intergroup Threat Theory: Manipulations, moderators, and consequences of realistic vs. symbolic threat. European Review of Social Psychology, 29(1), 212-255.
Osborn, H., Sosa, N., & Rios, K. (2017) Assimilation. In The SAGE Encyclopedia of Political Behavior. (pp. 34-37). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
Sosa, N. & Howell, J. L. (2017). Ego-depletion. In Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. (pp. 1-3). Springer International Publishing.
Osborn, H., Sosa, N., & Rios, K. (revise & resubmit). Perceiving Demographic Diversity as a Threat: Effects of Interethnic Ideologies. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations.
Lindberg, M., Sosa, N., & Markman, K. D., (under review). They Lost So That They Could Live: The Meaning Making Function of Counterfactual Thinking. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
Thomas, S., Markman, K. D., Sosa, N. (under review). You are what you read: Experience-taking in story narratives predicts subsequent performance. Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology.


Professor - Education

Academic Degrees Achieved: Ed.D., Organizational Leadership, Stockton University; M.Ed., The College of New Jersey; B.S., Rider University; Elementary Classroom Teacher Certificate (N-8); NJ DoE Supervisor of Instruction Certificate; NJ DoE Certificate of Recognition; National Staff Development Council Academy XVI

Excellence in Teacher Preparation, Exemplary Faculty nominee, Showcase of Exemplary Practices, Office of Secretary of Higher Education and NJ Association of Colleges for Teacher Education; Elevating and Celebrating Effective Teaching and Teachers, First Higher Ed faculty nominee and attendee, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; Teagle Foundation Grant for Civic Engagement, RVCC Faculty Lead; EDUC students earned Board's Service Learning Leadership Award twice for Teach2Matter at RVCC;  EDUC students invited to keynote MLK, Jr. Community Partners' Breakfast

Area of Expertise
Innovative Classroom Instruction and Professional Development

Adjunct Faculty

Raritan Valley Community College online courses, as well as face-to-face classes, are taught by accomplished adjunct and full-time faculty.


Keilani Abdullah
M.A. Sociology, Georgia State University
B.A. Sociology, Michigan State University

Frank Adamo
M.S., Villanova University  
B.A., University of North Carolina at Greensboro
A.A., Raritan Valley Community College

Craig Ally
A.A., Criminal Justice, Raritan Valley Community College
B.S., Fire Science w/Minor Law Enforcement Science Psychology, University of New Haven
M.A., Education, Administration and Supervision, Seton Hall University

Paloma Amar-Coleman
Licensed Professional Counselor
Master Degree in Couple and Family Therapy, Hahnemann University Hospital
B.A. Psychology, Yeshiva University

Anthony Baldino
M.PHIL., PHD., Columbia University Foundation School of Engineering

Courtney Battista
M.A., M.S.E.D., Columbia College

Michael Beckwith
B.A., Rutgers University
M.A., College of New Jersey

Liliya Borodkin
B.A., Jewish Studies, Rutgers University
M.S.W., Social Work, Rutgers University

Michele Brennan
M.A., PSYD, Argosy University

Bebe Brezanin-Brusky, LCSW
Post graduate family therapy training (1y);The  Multi Cultural Family Institute, Highland Park, NJ
M.S.W., Rutgers University
B.A. Psychology, Trenton State College

Jeff Brindle
M.A. Political Science, Villanova University
B.A., Rutgers University

Mark Brosky
A.A., Argosy University

Emma (Gina) Cannizzo
M.A. Philosophy, CUNY Graduate Center
B.A. English, University of New Mexico

Richmond Carlton
M.A., Fordham University

James Clarke
M.A., Ramapo College of New Jersey

Suzanne Draper
B.A., University of West Florida
M.A., University of Central Florida

Isaac Dunn
M.A., Temple University

Debra Ferro
M.A., Kean University

Lauren Frary
B.A., Rutgers University
M.A., Montclair State University

Ronald Gandelman
Ph.D., University of Massachusetts

Erica Greenwald
M.ed., Rutgers Graduate School of Education, New Brunswick, N.J.
B.A., Rutgers College

Daniel Gunn
M.A., West Chester University
D.M.I.N., Drew University

Megan Hart
M.A.; Org. Leadership, Regent University

Blake R. Heffner
B.A. Government/Philosophy, Lehigh University
M.Div. Princeton Theological Seminary
Ph.D. Theology/History of Doctrine, Princeton Theological Seminary

Daniel Herman
PhD. Global Affairs, Rutgers University
Master of International Affairs, Columbia University
B.A. Political Science, Rutgers University

Sabrina Misir Hiralall
PHD., Montclair State University

Emily Hornblower

Gregory Hotchkiss, Th.D.
Th.D. Anglican Studies, The General Theological Seminary of the Episcopal Church New York, New York  
Th.M. Philosophical Theology, Princeton Theological Seminary Princeton, New Jersey  
M.Div. Professional Clergy Degree, The Theological Seminary of the Reformed Episcopal Church Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  
B.A., Thomas Edison State College Trenton, New Jersey 

Marcel Ionescu
M.PHILM., Tulane University

Nicole Jacoberger
M.A., St. John’s University Jamaica

Lisa Johnston
B.A., History & Government/Law, Lafayette College
M.A., History, Rutgers University

Jessica Jungblut
M.A. Sociology and Social Anthropology, Central European University
B.A. Psychology and Minor in Social/Economic Justice,  The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 

Jeff Kampf
M.A. Holocaust and genocide Studies, Kean University  
M.A.T/Certification in Social Studies/Secondary Education, The College of New Jersey  B.A. History, Rutgers University  

Christian R. Kemp
M.A. History, Brigham Young University
B.A. History, Brigham Young University

Heather Koenig
B.A., College of New Jersey
M.A., Princeton University

Brian Ladiny
B.A., Ministerial Theology, Oakwood University
M.Div., Divinity, Andrews University
D.M., Ministry, Andrews University

Charlotte Langeveld
M.A. Cultural Anthropology, Columbia University
B.A. International Business, Marymount College

Alicia Liss
B.S., M.S., University of Wisconsin

Pamela Longo
M.A. and Ph.D., University of Connecticut
B.A., Drew University

Edward Isaiah Malberg
PhD., Candidate Northwestern Univeristy
M.A., University of Kentucky
B.A., Rutgers University

Kathleen Manz
M.A. Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology, Montclair State University
B.A. Psychology, Montclair State University

Joan McGowan

Patrick McNicholas
M.A. Applied Sociology, William Paterson University
B.A. Sociology, Central Connecticut State University

Charles Miller
Antoinette Morales
B.A., Psychology, Drew University
M.A., Psychological Services, Kean University

Deborah Morrison-Santana

Joshua Moser
M.A. History, Monmouth University
B.A. History, Monmouth University
A.A. Liberal Arts, Raritan Valley Community College

Dana Nelson
B.A., Psychology, Carleton College
M.Ed., Learning Cognition & Development, Rutgers Graduate School of Education

Adele Oltman
PHD., Columbia College

Sarah Ordway

John Paitakes
M.A., Education Guidance & Counseling, Rider University
Ph.D., Public Administration, Union Institute & University-Cincinnati

Marius Pascale
M.A., PHD., University of Albany, SUNY

James Paul
B.A., Sociology, Kean College
M.A., Counseling, Rider University

Anita Petersen
B.S., Elementary/ Early Childhood Ed., East Stroudsburg University
M.A., Education, Seton Hall University
Ed.D., Administration/Supervision, Seton Hall University

Jo-Ann Carlson Piagentini
M.S. B.S. Special Education, and Early Childood, Elementary  Rutgers University

Marta Pires
Doctor of Education, Montclair State University
M.Ed., Montclair State University
B.A., M.A. Philosophy, University of Evora, Portugal

Mike Pirrotta
M.S. Psychology, Florida State University
B.A. Psychology, Fairfield University

William Pisarra
M.A., University of Minnesota

Queenie Reda
B.A., M.S.W., Rutgers University

Erik Riverson
B.A., Thomas Edison State College
M.A., Montclair State University

Andrea Romano
B.S., Special Education, Monmouth University
M.A., Educational Admin., Kean University

Giuseppe Rotolo
PHD., Foreign University

Nathan Schmidt
PhD in Philosophy, SUNY Binghamton
Masters in Philosophy, SUNY Binghamton

Adam M. Sherry
M.A. History, Monmouth University
B.A. History, University of Hartford

Roger Shutack
M.Ed. History/Social Studies Education, College of New Jersey
B.A. History, Rutgers University

Lisa Slapa
Psy.D., Chicago School of Professional Psychology  
B.S. Psychology, Florida Institute of Technology

David Sorensen
B.A., Rutgers University
M.PHIL., Georgia State University

Charles F. Speierl 
Ed.D., Fairleigh Dickinson University
M.A., Adelphi University
B.A., Dowling College

Ryan Staude
M.A., PHD., University of Albany, SUNY

Sharon M. Sweeney
M.A. History, The University at Albany
B.A. History and Political Science, The State University of New York at Albany

Vate Tchero
M.S.T., Rutgers University

Lindsey M Tonks
M.S. Education, School Leadership University of Pennsylvania, Graduate School of Education
M.A. History, Southeastern Louisiana University            
B.A. History, Southeastern Louisiana University

Nikolay Tugushev
B.A., Temple University
M.A., Stony Brook University

Farah L. Vallera
M.A. Sociology, Lehigh University
B.A. Sociology/Criminal Justice with English Minor, Centenary College

Richard P. Van Orden, Jr.
M.A. Early American/US History
B.S./B.A. Political Science/US History, University of Scranton

Eric Villepontoux
M.A., PHD., University of Mass Amherst

David Wiklanski
M.A. Behavioral Sciences, Kean University, Union, NJ
B.A. Psychology, Kean University, Union, NJ
A.A. Liberal Arts, Psychology, Middlesex County College, Edison, NJ

Susan Woolever
B.S., University of Illinois
M.A., Argosy University

Lydia York
B.A., Theater & Speech, College of William & Mary
M.Div., Theological Studies, Chicago Theological Seminary
M.Phil., Phil. & Theological Studies, Drew University

Roger Young
PhD., University of Memphis
M.A., Rutgers University
B.A., Rowan University

Additional Details

Enhance your college experience by joining one of the Department’s sponsored clubs including the Education and Philosophy Clubs. We also offer a Psychology Honor Society for high achieving students, PSI Beta.

The Department places a high value on service and many of the classes offer opportunities for you to serve your community as part of the curriculum. Fieldwork options are available in some classes enabling you to gain experience in the field.

The different disciplines host conferences as well as lecture and film series, providing you with opportunities to enhance your learning experience.

Career Coach – Learn more about career opportunities

Contact Information:
Cynthia Coulbourne
908-526-1200 x8816

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