Transfer Agreements

Transfer Agreements

Transferring to other colleges

In most cases your credits will transfer to any college in the country, if you have a) taken the appropriate courses or program of study for your intended major at a 4-year school or b) achieved a “C” grade or better in each course.

Occasionally, some credits do not transfer. You can avoid or minimize this possibility by working closely with your RVCC Academic Advisor and Transfer Counselor when selecting your courses. You can also refer to the website of the college of your interest, or utilize NJTransfer, a website that helps you transfer community college courses in the State of New Jersey. A selection of transfer reference books and brochures is available in the Transfer and Career Services Department located in the College Center room C-116.


In 2008 NJ passed transfer legislation that governs how credits are accepted by NJ public four-year colleges. This law, called the Comprehensive Statewide Transfer Agreement (commonly called the "Lampitt Law"), is still in effect and can be viewed on the NJ Transfer website.  Note the law governs the transfer of credits including general education "core" requirements for the public colleges listed as well as some additional private colleges that chose to be part of the agreement.  It covers the AA and AS degrees but not other degree programs such as AAS or AFA degrees.

A few cautions to note:
1. The transfer law does not guarantee admission to any college; a student must be accepted through the normal transfer admission process.
2. The transfer law does not remove the need to research degree requirements as there are sometimes prerequisite courses needed for particular majors. Use the recommended transfer program (RTP) feature on NJ Transfer to view the precise course recommendations for each major.


RVCC has Transfer (Articulation) Agreements with the following colleges and universities. This listing of Colleges and Universities does not represent articulation for all degree programs. For detailed information on specific programs for a particular school, make an appointment with a Transfer Counselor in the Advising, Counseling and Transfer Services Department 908-526-1200 x8375 or email

Honors Program transfer agreement. To view the agreement click here.

To view the transfer articulation agreement for all bachelor degree programs click here.

A new transfer agreement was ratified in June 2015 covering majors including Accounting, Management, Fashion Merchandising, Financial Services, General Business, Graphic Design, Health Services Management, Interior Design, International Business, Criminal Justice, Legal Studies, and Marketing Communication. To view the agreement click here (scroll down to appendix to see course transfer information). For information about Berkeley College scholarships click here.

A Guaranteed Admissions Agreement between Centenary and RVCC was ratified in September 2011. This agreement covers 22 degree programs. To view the agreement and see the alignment of courses for each major click here. Social Work transfer agreement signed 12/07/08. To view the Social Work agreement click here.

Centenary University and RVCC ratified a joint admission transfer agreement for students earning the RVCC Associate of Arts degree in Education into Centenary University’s Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education Liberal Arts. The agreement requires RVCC students to submit an “intent to transfer form” prior to completion of 30 credits at RVCC. To access the intent to transfer form click here. To view the entire transfer agreement click here.

​A dual admissions and Core-to-Core agreement with Chestnut Hill College was ratified in 2017 and is still in effect. To view the full agreement click ChestnutHillfinal.pdf

A transfer agreement was ratified in August 2013. To view the agreement, click here.

Transfer agreements for Exercise Science and the Sport Management majors were ratified in September 2014. To view Exercise Science, revised in November 2019 click here. To view Sport Management click here. A reverse transfer agreement was also ratified; to view click here

A transfer agreement between the Elmira College B.S degree in Finance and the RVCC A.S degree in General Business was ratified in February 2021. To view the agreement click ElmiraFinance.pdf

A transfer agreement with Emerson College was ratified in 2023.  The agreement provides guaranteed admission to RVCC students who have earned a minimum GPA of 3.0 with an Associate’s of Arts completed at RVCC. Note certain majors require an artistic review for admission. To view this agreement click here. Community College Network Scholarship: This scholarship is for students completing an associate’s degree from a College that has a current articulation agreement with Emerson College and has earned a cumulative GPA of at least 3.2. The amount of the Community College Network Scholarship is $30,000 annually. This scholarship is limited to fall term enrollment and students must have a complete transfer application by March 15. Recipients are required to enroll and maintain full time status and must maintain a 3.0 GPA for automatic renewal annually. PTK scholarships were also increased to $8,000. For details go to Emerson Scholarships.

A transfer agreement with Excelsior was ratified 7/31/13. A "landing page" with additional information for students can be viewed by clicking here and Excelsior Transfer Partnership.

A transfer agreement was ratified in December 2020 involving 12 different RVCC majors. Under terms of the agreement qualified RVCC graduates can transfer up to 90 credits. To view the agreement click here

 A dual admission transfer agreement covering over 31 academic majors was ratified in 2018 and is still in effect. To view the agreement click GeorgianFinal.pdf. To view information about the agreement on the University's website go to Georgian Court University Dual Admission

An Education Alliance agreement was ratified 6/25/14 that provides RVCC graduates with a 10% tuition reduction. To view the Alliance details click here.

A transfer agreement with John Jay College of Criminal Justice, NY was ratified in 2024.  To view the agreement for the Criminal Justice major click here.

Kutztown University and RVCC developed a transfer agreement in 2019. The agreement provides that qualified students can have a guaranteed acceptance into Kutztown with junior standing and a waiver of the application fee. Participation requires that students submit a "letter of intent" prior to completion of 30 credits at RVCC. 

To view the essentials of the agreement in brief, click on the fact sheet KutztownFactSheet.pdf
To access the letter of inten  KutztownLetterOfIntent.pdf
To access the full agreement KutztownAgreement.pdf
To view information on the Emerging Mathematics and Computer Science Scholars Program click here.

To view academic program checksheets for majors and minors click here.

     A revised and expanded transfer agreement with LIM College was ratified in Mat 2022. To view the full agreement including transfer scholarships click here LIM College.pdf

Guaranteed Admissions Transfer Agreement ratified in June 2012. To view the Agreement click here.

A transfer agreement providing for transfer with junior standing into bachelor degree programs in Visual Arts, Applied Music, Media Arts, Speech, Journalism, Music Performance or Theory, Studio Art, Computer Art, and Jazz Studies ratified in August 2014. To view the agreement click here.

Transfer agreements were ratified in 2016 to include programs in Business and Communications. To view the agreements:

Bachelor of Science in Business

Bachelor of Science in Speech Communication/Communication Studies Option

A comprehensive transfer agreement with Moravian was ratified in December 2013. The view the agreement including course equivalencies see the landing page by clicking Moravian transfer agreement.

An amended to this agreement was made on February 1, 2023. Program by program Joint Admission: Business Administration, Computer Science, Mathematics, Electronics Technology, Engineering Science, Management, Science Technology & Society, Biology, Information Technology, Environmental Science, Engineering Technology, Electrical & Computer Technology, Statistics & Actuarial Science and Mechanical Engineering Technology. 

Click here to view agreement

All Bachelor degree programs.  Click here to view agreement.

A transfer agreement was ratified in 2020 providing a pathway for RVCC graduates in Interior Design into the BFA program in Interior Design at NYSID. To view the entire agreement click here.

A transfer agreement for RVCC Criminal Justice graduates to complete the Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice via online courses. To view the agreement click here.

Paralegal Studies Bachelor's Degree Completion Plan. To view the agreement click here.

Transfer agreements in HVAC Technology Design and Buidling Automation Technology ratified in October 2012. To read the transfer agreement click here.

A transfer agreement with PAFA was ratified in 2019. To view the agreement along with course equivalency information click here.

Guaranteed admission transfer agreement for three majors: Business Administration & Management, Psychology& Counseling, Biblical Studies. To view the agreement click here.

For details about reverse transfer click Pillar Reverse Transfer.pdf

 To view the transfer agreement click here.

Ratified in 2018 and updated in 2021 this transfer agreement allows RVCC Business graduates the opportunity to transfer to an AACSB-accredited school located in Rennes France. Qualified RVCC graduates can complete their bachelor’s degree in one year of full-time study plus a required internship (minimum of 8 weeks and can be done in any country). The coursework for the program in International Bachelor Program in Management is taught in English. To view the agreement click RennesSigned.pdf. To view a flier with program details click Bachelor for CC students.pdf

Guaranteed transfer agreement providing full junior status to AA and AS degree graduates of RVCC.  Students must declare their participation with a letter of intent and follow a prescribed program with a minimum grade point average which varies by major. To access this transfer agreement click here.

The Rutgers Business School and RVCC ratified a transfer agreement that facilitates direct enrollment by RVCC Honors College graduates into the Rutgers Business School. Details and requirements of the agreement are posted here.

A transfer agreement was ratified in 2021 allowing RVCC graduates with the A.S. degree in Business or the A.A. degree in Liberal Arts to transfer into the Rutgers B.A. program in Public Affairs and Administration.
For detail on the agreement click here.

Special agreement for Paralegal Studies A.A.S. To view the agreement click here.  A joint admission agreement was signed in March 2011 that allows RVCC graduates of the Women and Gender Studies program to enter the Bachelor's degree in Women's Studies at the College of Saint Elizabeth. The agreement allows RVCC graduates to transfer up to 96 credits toward fulfillment of the B.A. in Women's Studies. To view the agreement click here

To view transfer agreements for majors in Mathematics and Computer Science click here.

A transfer agreement ratified in October 2013 provides for the transfer of up to 66 RVCC credits. Students must meet all SAIC admissions requirements including the SAIC studio review via portfolio. To view the articulation matrix between the colleges go here.

Transfer agreement for the RVCC AFA in Visual Arts to the BFA in Fine Arts at SVA. To read the transfer agreement click here.

Seton Hall University and RVCC ratified a transfer agreement effective beginning July 1, 2011. The agreement covers academic majors throughout the University. Specified in the agreement are mimimum grade point averages defined by major, Core waiver information and transfer scholarship information. The agreement also provides "dual admissions" opportunities for qualified students. For more information and a copy of the agreement contact the Transfer Services office. For a copy of the Transfer Agreement, click here.

A transfer agreement was ratified in February 2014 and an amendment in 2015 with the SNHU College of Online and Continuing Education. The agreement guarantees the transfer of a minimum of 60 credits for RVCC graduates with an AA or AS degree. The agreement also provides for a 10% tuition reduction and application fee waiver. Ten academic majors are covered under the agreements: Communications, Public Relations, Professional Writing, Sociology, Psychology, Marketing, Management, Technical Management, Graphic Design, and Nursing. The full agreement and an amendment can be viewed here and here and online by clicking here.

An AAS Nursing to BSN agreement was approved in 2022 and can be viewed here.

Course by course transfer equivalency information available and guaranteed admission for RVCC grads with associate degree.  To view agreement click here.

Veterinary Technology (online program), click here to view.

A transfer agreement was ratified in September 2013 covering 14 degree programs at AUP. The agreement provides for guaranteed admission for RVCC AA & AS graduates with the requisite GPA and standing. Students are advised to seek appropriate documentation needed such as a passport and visa. AUP courses are taught in English and the University is accredited in the United States through the Middle States Association. In addition to the website link on the left, here is a brief video.

A transfer agreement for RVCC graduates of the Health Information Technology program to enter the CUNY B.S. degree program in Health Information Management. To view the agreement click here.

An Exercise Science transfer agreement was ratified in 2018. To view this agreement click here.TCNJExerciseSci.pdf

An transfer agreement between RVCC's Health Science A.S. degree program and the TCNJ  B.S. degree in Public Health was ratified in 2022.  To view this agreement click here to view agreement.

Bachelor of Arts: Liberal Arts (all options), Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Business Programs (All A.S. and A.A.S. Programs), Bachelor of Science in Human Services: Criminal Justice, Early Childhood Education, Human Services, Paralegal Studies Bachelor of Science in Applied Science & Technology: Aviation Flight Technology, Engineering Science, Computer Science, Construction Technology, Electronics Technology, Mechanical Design Technology, Manufacturing Engineering Technology, Engineering Science, Respiratory Care*, Construction, Fiber Optics. *If Registered Respiratory Therapist.

A transfer agreement was ratified in July 2014 that provides a pathway for RVCC graduates with the AS degree in Biology to transfer to Unity College with full junior standing for BS degree programs in Biology, Sustainable Energy Management, Marine Biology, and Earth and Environmental Science. To view the agreement click here.

(Distance Learning College) Program by program - AA, AS, AAS Degrees.  The University of Phoenix has introduced a variety of new scholarship programs for several targeted for transfer students. 

A transfer agreement was ratified in 2021. For complete information click on this link Western Governors University.   To view agreement click here.

A transfer articulation agreement was ratified in 2015 for the College of Education. To view the agreement click here. Transfer agreements for Sports Management and Exercise Science were approved in 2024; to view click here, and here. To view the agreement for the Cotsakos College of Business click here.

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