The support and encouragement of family members
is a major factor in student success.
We encourage parents to get and stay involved in your student’s college life from the admissions process through graduation. This section gives an overview of the expectations of students in making a successful transition to college.
Adjusting to Academic Expectations of College
Learning to discipline oneself and manage time are critical adjustments for freshman college students. College classes may meet only every other day, or once a week, but the workload does not diminish. It is suggested that students spend two hours of studying for every one hour in class, balanced with study breaks. Students are encouraged to seek help for academic difficulties.
Students struggling in a class should schedule a meeting with the professor during office hours. They can discuss challenges, note-taking and test-preparation methods, and free tutoring opportunities available to all students. If a student is considering dropping a class, they should meet first with an academic advisor before taking any action.
Click here to learn about classroom attendance policy, exams, grade and grade appeals.
Viewing Student’s grades
Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), college students 18 years old and older are considered responsible adults and are allowed to determine who will receive information about them. The College is prohibited from releasing certain information to parents without the permission of the student, grades included. Click here to learn more about FERPA.
Student Code of Conduct
RVCC strives to foster an environment of mutual respect, responsibility, and collaboration. College students are expected to follow educational and social guidelines established by RVCC’s Code of Student Conduct. The College also affirms the rights of its students, faculty, and staff to live, work, and study in an environment free from violence and sexual misconduct.