RVCC Career Nights in March to Focus on Engineering, Health Science

Prospective students and members of the public interested in learning about various occupations and career and educational pathways are invited to attend two Careers Nights in March at Raritan Valley Community College. The programs are free of charge and will be held in the Event Center at the College’s Branchburg campus.
The March Career Nights will be held from 6-8 p.m. and will include information about the College’s academic programs in the featured disciplines. The events will focus on the following areas:
• March 14: Engineering
• March 16: Health Science
Panelists for the Engineering Career Night include: Meredith Carvalho, Associate Director for Supportability Integration in the Logistics Research and Engineering Directorate (LRED), U.S. Army; Tony D’Angelo, Physics and Engineering Instructor, Coordinator of the MET program, RVCC; Luke Ingenito, Operations Analytics Engineer CAR-T, Johnson & Johnson; Kyle McKenna, Senior Project Manager, PE, Bohler Engineering; Olivia O'Donnell, first-year Mechanical Engineering Student, RVCC; Juan Prada-Ojeda, Senior Project Engineer, Skanska USA Building; Antonella Pompo, Professor of Engineering, RVCC; Alia Rind, R&D Packaging Development, Rimmel, Boujois – Consumer Beauty Cosmetics (Coty Inc.); Marlon Scott, Project Manager, Turner Construction Company, Bridgewater; and Peter Stupak, President, Main Engine Start a New Jersey Nonprofit Corporation.
RVCC panelists for the Health Science Career Night include: Health Science – Linda Romaine, Department Chair, Health Science Education department; Allied Health – Inieka Stafford, Director of Health & Technology Career Programs; Exercise Science – Linda Romaine and Keith Burns, Exercise Science faculty members; Medical Assistant – Janette Rodriguez, Program Coordinator and faculty member; Nursing – Heather Heithoff, Assistant Professor, and Maria Molle, Assistant Professor; Ophthalmic Science – Dr. Brian Thomas, Program Coordinator and faculty member; and Occupational Therapy Assistant – Beau Younker, OT, Program Coordinator and faculty member.
During the Career Nights, participants will have the opportunity to speak with RVCC faculty members, meet with industry partners, and hear from keynote speakers on a variety of topics. Information about the admissions process at Raritan Valley Community College, including paying for college, also will be included.
To register for the Career Nights, visit www.raritanval.edu/visit.
Registration is now open for RVCC’s summer classes, with sessions beginning May 22, June 12, and July 10. To learn more about the March Career Nights or taking summer classes at Raritan Valley Community College, contact Admissions at 908-526-1200 (Select Option 2) or
admissions@raritanval.edu. For additional information about summer classes, visit https://www.raritanval.edu/summer-classes.
RVCC is located at 118 Lamington Road in Branchburg, NJ. For further information, visit www.raritanval.edu.
March 2, 2023
PR #96