Meet Esmeralda Ochoa: An Inspiring First-Generation College Student at RVCC

A second-year Communication Studies student at RVCC, Esmeralda Ochoa grew up in Flemington, NJ as the eldest daughter of Guatemalan immigrants. “My parents never got an education and came to this country with nothing in their pockets,” she says. “But they knew they wanted more for their children.”
Esmeralda admits that her childhood as a first-generation American was difficult at times. “I saw my parents work 10-12-hour shifts six days a week for years,” she says. “It broke my heart to see them work so much.” She often translated documents and mail for her Spanish-speaking parents and had to navigate the process of applying for college on her own.
Esmeralda attends RVCC as part of the Educational Opportunity Fund Program (EOF), which provides eligible students with academic and economic assistance to help them earn their college degree.
“The EOF program truly has completely changed my life and has given me an incredible support system,” says Esmeralda. “I am incredibly grateful and proud to be an EOF scholar and mentor.”
She is currently working towards her degree in Communication Studies, an option of the Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts. After RVCC, Esmeralda plans to transfer to a four-year university to earn her bachelor's degree. Her eventual aspiration is to attend law school. “Pursuing law school would be my dream because it would allow me to change people's lives,” she says.
Esmeralda’s interest in law started at the young age of 15, when she began working at New Jersey-based Bush Law Offices to assist with administrative duties. Over the course of her four years there, she became more involved with immigration and custody cases, acting as a translator for Spanish speaking clients—which echoed her childhood experience.
“Sometimes, new clients are unaware that a translator is provided when they meet the attorney for the first consultation meeting—so I see them come in timid and scared,” says Esmeralda. “However, their faces light up with joy once I introduce myself and tell them I'm the translator and that I'm there to help. I can tell they feel more comfortable and relieved. I've learned that I love helping people,” she says.
She continues: “Sitting there and listening to such sad, heartbreaking, and traumatizing stories hits differently because their stories aren't too far off from my own family's experiences and what they have gone through, says Esmeralda. “It's humbling, makes me appreciate the little things, puts me into their shoes, makes me think about what I want to do in life, and pushes me to work for future generations, myself, and my parents.”
Esmeralda says her journey at RVCC and her experience as an EOF Scholar has been a driving force in her success thus far. “RVCC as a whole is such a great community filled with so many different opportunities and mentors,” says Esmeralda, a recent recipient of the Cento Amici Scholarship, which supports under-served students in reaching their full academic potential. “It's about saying yes to every opportunity and trying to network and connect with mentors I aspire to be like,” she says.
Staying involved in campus life is important to Esmeralda as well. She currently serves as Vice President of Marketing and Advertising for the RVCC Business Club and is also a VP for the RVCC A-Board. In addition, she’s spent time volunteering for the RVCC Food Pantry and Resource Center and has recently joined RVCC’s marketing service learning team to grow her marketing experience.
“I've grown so much in the past three semesters I've been at RVCC,” says Esmeralda. “I've gained incredible lifelong mentors and friends, and have received so many opportunities. I am so proud to be a student here at RVCC.”
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