TODDLERS Room - 1 and 2 year olds
Toddlers want to find out how everything works around them. Jill Accomando, serves as the Assistant Director and coordinator of the infant, toddler and two’s programs. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Health Education, and brings to the Children’s Campus over 20 years of teaching and directing experience with infants and toddlers, and their families.
Jill Accomando, and the assistant teachers, allow our one- and two-year-olds to practice their growing independence as they move into toddlerhood. We know that there are numerous benefits for young children when their parents and caregivers work together during this very busy stage of growth.
- Daily reports about diapering, sleeping and feeding schedules given daily
- Play occurs throughout the day providing learning experiences
- Books, toys and art activities spark enormous growth during this time in receptive and expressive language abilities during this stage of development. Books, toys, and art activities are designed for gross and fine motor activity while encouraging the vocabulary to describe these experiences.
- We give the young learners opportunity choose whenever possible
- Introduce group participation
- Encourage independence and self-reliance to wash hands, sit for next steps and putting on their own jackets, carry their book bags