Fitness Specialist

Fitness Specialist

Zumba, Soul Cycle, Crossfit, Tough Mudder, Color Runs - the list goes on. America is getting serious about fitness and gyms are scrambling for qualified, certified fitness instructors to teach the next generation of fitness. Prepare for your career with RVCC’s combination of classwork and practical, hands-on experience using the American College of Sports Medicine guidelines.

Show your next employer certification for: proper weight-training technique, flexibility, aerobic, and resistance training, and learn to create challenging custom exercise programs for any client. It’s time to get pumped about your career as a Certified Fitness Specialist.

  • Nationally accredited personal training instruction
  • Prepares you for the ACSM Personal Trainer Certification Exam and NCCA Personal Trainer Certification Exam
  • 15-hour hands-on practical assessment

Certificate of Completion Program


First Semester

English Composition I
3 Credits

Prerequisite(s): Grade of A in ENGL 050 Introduction to College Reading and Composition I or ENGL 060 Introduction to College Reading and Composition II, grade of B in ENGL 050 or ENGL 060 with corequisite of ENGL 070 English Composition I Workshop, or appropriate score on placement test.

English Composition I is the first in a two-course composition sequence. The central purposes of English Composition I are to develop critical reading and thinking skills and to write thesis-driven, text-based essays. The course takes a process-oriented approach to writing that incorporates prewriting, drafting, reviewing, and revising. Students in English Composition I learn basic research skills and apply them to at least one text-based research essay.  

FITN 129
First Aid & CPR
3 Credits

This course acquaints the individual with emergency first aid procedures and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Included in the topics will be wounds, splinting, burns, rescue breathing, diabetes, epilepsy, heart failure and stroke. Each student will have the opportunity to acquire his/her certificate in Community First Aid and Safety, Community C.P.R. and C.P.R. for the Professional Rescuer. This course is conducted by a certified American Red Cross instructor.  


FITN 148
3 Credits

This course is an introduction to lifeguarding taught by an instructor who is certified by the American Red Cross in Water Safety, Community First Aid, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Automated External Defibrillation (AED). Upon successful completion of the course the student will receive certification in Lifeguarding, First Aid, CPR for the Professional Rescuer and AED. In order to enroll in this course each student must demonstrate an ability to: swim 500 yards continuously utilizing crawl, breast and side strokes; perform a surface dive to a minimum depth of 7 feet; swim 20 yards, submerge to a minimum depth of 7 feet, retrieve a 10 pound object from the bottom, return with it to the surface, and bring it back to the starting point while holding the object with two hands.

Certification cards include:  Lifeguard Training and CPR for the Professional Rescuer.  

Pass the Red Cross Lifesavings minimum skills test the first week of class for FITN 148 Lifeguarding. You do not receive credit for both Lifeguarding and FITN 129 First Aid & CPR.

FITN 132
Concepts of Aerobic Conditioning
1 Credit

Aerobic Exercise is highly recommended for its health benefits. This course will explore several types of aerobic exercise, teaching the student proper form and execution, as well as the recommended frequency, intensity and duration for each mode. Proper warm up and cool down, intensity monitoring, and fitness testing and evaluation for aerobic exercise will be included. 

FITN 135
Introduction to Weight Training
1 Credit

Weight training is an important part of the general fitness guidelines recommended for the general population. This course will explore the benefits of weight (resistance) training for the general population and teach students how design an effective program for both general health benefits and to reach specific goals.  

FITN 142
Elements of Physical Fitness
3 Credits

This course explores the basic concepts of physical fitness to provide the student with a means for self-evaluation, through various testing situations such as flexibility and, balance tests, cardiovascular tests, and isotonic strength for the development and maintenance of physical fitness. Topics include such major issues as weight control, cardiovascular endurance and other benefits derived from exercise.



Second Semester

FITN 203
Exercise Measurement and Prescription
3 Credits

This course is designed to teach the knowledge and practical application of the protocols used for exercise assessment and prescription for the general population, those with medical considerations and the athletic population.  

FITN 211
Introduction to Personal Training
3 Credits

Prerequisite(s): FITN 132 - Concepts of Aerobic Conditioning, FITN 135 - Introduction to Weight Training.
The course content will cover subject area needed to become a successful personal trainer and prepare the student to sit for a nationally recognized personal trainer certification.  The material covered includes:  initial interview and testing procedures; setting up an individualized personal training program; current guidelines for exercise prescriptions; basic biomechanics and exercise physiology; demonstrating and teaching basic exercise movements; cueing and motivating clients; administration and record keeping.  

FITN 291
Fitness Cooperative Education II
2 Credits

Prerequisite(s): Permission and placement by Program Coordinator and completion of FITN 132 - Concepts of Aerobic Conditioning, FITN 135 - Introduction to Weight Training, and FITN 211 - Introduction to Personal Training.

Students gain practical experience working in the RVCC Fitness Center and in area fitness facilities.  Specific, personalized objectives are created by the student and approved by the coordinator and worksite.  Students train and work in real life situations to achieve these goals.  In addition, biweekly lectures and practical training is provided for the students.  


Total Credits 19

National Accredited Personal Training Certification

Present current (valid through graduation date) Personal Trainer Certification recognized by the National Council for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) or National Board of Fitness Examiners Certification to Enrollment Services Office with the Application for Graduation.

FITN 211 Introduction to Personal Training prepares you for the ACSM Personal Trainer Certification exam and similar NCCA personal trainer certification exams.

The program earns you 19 college credits. To enroll in the program you must Apply to the College.

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